Emphasizing Christian principles in Every Aspect of their Lives
Genesis Academy Middle School Program
Our middle school program utilizes spiritual precepts, character building, and skills/concepts necessary for academic advancement, as well as the expanding Fine Arts opportunities. Our middle school teachers work with our students in emphasizing study and research skills, preparing them for secondary education.
The school day consists Of a Bible class, core academic courses (Math, History, Science, and English), physical education, and various electives
(Chorus. Art, Speech/Drama, Spanish, Hand Bells, Computer), and STEM
Private music lessons are available during school hours.
Middle School students have unique needs that make them different from elementary children and high school students. Our program is designed to meet the emotional, social, spiritual and physical needs of the pre-adolescent.
Quick Fact
Students in our Middle School consistently score from one to two years above the national norms on the IOWA Achievement Test. They rank in the top 10% of our State.
Classroom Facts
Limited Class size
Bible-based curriculum
Personal growth through Bible classes and inspirational chapel services.
Development Of life enhancing qualities including: patriotism, personal accountability and responsibility.